Research Studies in SLA and TESOL
I've been very fortunate to have co-led two research studies other than my doctoral dissertation. All three topics of the research studies are very dear to my heart.
Doctoral Dissertation
Area of Specialization:
Second Language Acquisition
“Interactional Feedback in Text-based and Voice-based Synchronous Computer-Mediated
Prof. Lalitha Vasudevan, Dr. Howard Williams, Dr. Payman Vafaee
Findings have been disseminated at conferences (AAAL, CALICO, SLRF).
A peer-reviewed journal articles is also published.
Peer Review in ESL Classrooms
Co-Principal Investigator:
Dr. Hoa T. H. Nguyen
(Teachers College, Columbia University)
"The Inner Workings of Peer Review in Online and Face-to-Face L2 Writing Instruction"
The study is in its third year of data collection.
Findings have been disseminated at the annual AAAL conferences 2019, 2020, 2021.
A peer-reviewed journal article is upcoming.
L2 Teachers Identities, Beliefs, & Coping Strategies
Co-Principal Investigator:
Dr. Hoa T. H. Nguyen
(Teachers College, Columbia University)
" Native and Non-Native English-Speaking Teachers: Identity, Beliefs, Challenges, and Coping Strategies"
The study is in its fourth year of data collection.
Findings have been disseminated at the annual AAAL conferences 2019, 2020, 2021.
A peer-reviewed journal article is upcoming.